Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Splatter Nails

 What I used:
Orly Liquid Vinyl (Black)
China Glaze White On White (White)
China Glaze Tree Hugger (Green)
China Glaze For Audrey (Robin's Egg)
Illamasqua Wayward (Yellow)
OPI Glitzerland (Gold)
OPI Do You Lilac It? (Purple)
OPI Feelin' Hot-Hot-Hot (Pink)
Nail Polish Thinner
Small Nail Art Brush
Small bowl (That can be thrown away or is of no value)
Paper plate

**This is a cute fun artsy project but be warned it WILL get messy so wear something that you don't mind getting ruined, do this project outside or lay down lots of newspaper. 
**The nail polish thinner will most likely ruin the small bowl so use something disposable or of no value.

For the top picture I used the colors depicted in the 3 polish set and for the 2nd picture i used the colors depicted in the 6 color set. For this project you can use any colors you like, however the colors will only show up better on a light background. So pick your favorite colors and lets get started!

For these steps I'm using the 2nd picture as the basis.
1. Always use a base coat.
2. Paint your nails a base color, I used white. Depending on your polish you can do 1 or 2 coats. Let it dry.
3. Drop a couple of nail polish (ex. OPI Feelin' Hot-Hot-Hot) into the small bowl and drip a couple of drops of nail polish thinner until your polish becomes watery.
4. Place your hand in the middle of the paper plate. Take the brush and dip it in your watery polish and splat it on your nails. (you can use a flinging motion or simply hold the brush over the nail and tap the brush with your nail/finger)
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 with the remainder of your colors.
6. Finish with a top coat.


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