Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Leopard Print

 What I Used:
OPI Significant Other Color (the bottle is the gold shimmer purple but it comes out super light/translucent)
OPI French Quater for Your Thoughts (light grey)
OPI Do You Lilac It? (purple)
OPI Feelin' Hot-Hot-Hot (pink)
China Glaze For Audrey (robin's egg)
Orly Liquid Vinyl (black)
Dotting Tool

This is a super cute flirty project :) It's one of my favorites so far.

1. Always use a base coat.
2. For the base you can use and color for the base color. I used OPI French Quarter for Your Thoughts for the first and OPI Significant Other Color for the second. With the color of your choice paint 2 coats.
3. For the spots you can use any color as well. I Used OPI Do You Lilac It? OPI Feelin' Hot-Hot-Hot and China Glaze For Audrey. With the biggest dotting tool randomly dot you nails with you chosen colors.
4. With a small-medium dotting tool with black (I used Orly Liquid Vinyl) draw wonky C's and brackets around the spots.
5. Finish with a top coat.

Rawr. You're looking fierce. :) yupp I'm just that tacky :)

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